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Distance Education (DE) Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) Summary Report - Parameter Selection Area
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Please note: The Chancellor’s Office provides access to the DataMart primarily to assist colleges for state and system accountability purposes. Statewide results for the most recent term should not be considered complete until all districts have submitted data.
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Distance Education (DE) Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) Summary Report - Data & Format Area
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* For Annual search - If a college hasn't submitted its spring data for a year then data for other terms in that year for that college is not included in the result.

* The FTES value is calculated by summing the "Total Hours" (refer to SXD4 in CCCCO MIS Data Element Dictionary) in all the enrollment records reported to CCCCO MIS during the requested time period, then dividing by 525.
* If "Total Hours" cannot be derived because data is missing or set to "Unknown/Unreported", the enrollments are not included.
* All activity in classes eligibile for state apportionment funding is included. This methodlogy is not same as the methodlogy used in calculationg FTES for CCFS-320 report.
* Distance Education Definitions: Distance education (DE) means instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology. Whether a course is to be considered as DE, the basic criterion established in the GUIDELINES (March 2004) under Section 55205 needs to be applied (i.e., a distance education course/section or session utilizes technology 51 percent or more of the time to deliver instruction during the course term.) In determining the type of distance education modality to assign to a course, the predominant mode of delivery, in terms of time spent, is then applied to course sections where multiple distance education delivery modes (i.e., Internet, television, video tape, etc.) are present.
* For the detailed definitions of different types of distance education modalities, please click here.